Monday, July 25, 2011

The weeks just slip by ...

Well the nutrition challenge was a complete failure for me. I basically just dropped off after a week when I wasn't losing any more weight.

Basically I just got discouraged.

It's been one week that I've been doing CF @ 6AM on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I'm liking it ... A LOT. Marcy is going with me too which I love. It's great that we can support each other during the trauma that is crossfit.

I'm feeling stronger then I have in a long time and I hope I can keep this up. I'm just tired of the ups and downs. I need to make a life change ... but I'm realizing that John Maxwell is sooo right ...

‎"Real, sustainable change doesn't happen in a moment. It's a process." John Maxwell, Today Matters

Those are words I need to live by ... when things don't come quick, I need to remember that it shouldn't and that I need to work through it and it will happen.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Week 1 is done!

I've had a good first week on the challenge. Had a slip up here and there, but I'm down over 10lbs in the first week! w00t!

The first week I dialed in my nutrition and now I'm back at the gym. Today's WOD was HORRIBLE! Here's what it was ...

5 Rounds For Time ...
- 15 Pullups (Green Band)
- 15 Dips (Box)
- 10x 135lb Power Clean
- 200m Row

It took me a whopping 32m 48s! HOLY CRAP! That's the way to get back into it! I was excited because I actually RX'd the weight!

Got a friggin' charlie horse in my leg already though, so I've drank a bunch of water, had 16oz of Gatorade and ate a banana! Hopefully that will make it so I'm not waking up in pain tonight. Hopefully I'm not TOO obliterated to make it to the gym tomorrow. We'll see ...

Monday, May 2, 2011

It's been far too long ...

So ... I haven't done a post since the last day of the challenge and it shows. I've gained about 21lbs back ... although 9lbs of it is muscle that doesn't help with the 12lbs of fat gained. Ugh!

Well today I started a new "Nut" challenge ... and I AM going to win this one and also, I'm not going to just drop it at the end of this challenge. I am moving past this and going to my target weight of 205lbs by the end of the year.

It's gonna be tough, but I can do it. Wish me luck!