Monday, May 9, 2011

Week 1 is done!

I've had a good first week on the challenge. Had a slip up here and there, but I'm down over 10lbs in the first week! w00t!

The first week I dialed in my nutrition and now I'm back at the gym. Today's WOD was HORRIBLE! Here's what it was ...

5 Rounds For Time ...
- 15 Pullups (Green Band)
- 15 Dips (Box)
- 10x 135lb Power Clean
- 200m Row

It took me a whopping 32m 48s! HOLY CRAP! That's the way to get back into it! I was excited because I actually RX'd the weight!

Got a friggin' charlie horse in my leg already though, so I've drank a bunch of water, had 16oz of Gatorade and ate a banana! Hopefully that will make it so I'm not waking up in pain tonight. Hopefully I'm not TOO obliterated to make it to the gym tomorrow. We'll see ...


  1. Congratulations Joe! That's inspiring! I just started YESTERDAY working out at frog's - back to my old routine I've let slide for the past year (or so). It felt great but I still have to work on the nutrition part! Keep going - you're inspiring me!

  2. Mich ... so I fell off the blogger bandwagon for awhile ... but you can checkout my new blog at!
