Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 67 : Good, Clean, Practice

This was a gnarly workout. The RX weight was 135lb but I took it down to 115lb.

This was AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) in 20mins:

- 3x Hang Power Cleans
- 3x Push Press

I really enjoy shoulder work so this was "fun" ... I pushed out 14 rounds which was better then the 10 rounds I was expecting to do.

I'm going to be doing more shoulder work as my left arm/shoulder area is about 30% weaker then my right.

Hopefully I'll be able to get to the gym at least 3 times while on vacation. I'll let you know how it is @ Albany Crossfit.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 65 & 66 : Casey's "House O' Fun" & Deadlift/Shoulders

Day 65 : Casey's "House O' Fun"

This was a tough workout ... seemed easy on paper but not in practice.

Here's how it went.

- 10 Wallballs
- 1 Burpee
- 10sec L-Sit

- 9 Wallballs
- 2 Burpees
- 10sec L-Sit

All the way through ...

- 1 Wallball
- 10 Burpees
- 10sec L-Sit

This REALLY killed my legs ... I was more then sore, it was painful.

Day 66 : Snatch Gripped Deadlift & Shoulders

Worked on a snatch gripped deadlift to prep for heavier snatches. Topped out @ 275.

Also did some dumbbell shoulder work because we I have about 30% less strength in my left arm/shoulder area ... started @ 30lbs, 35lbs, 40lbs, 45lbs.

Shoulders are smoked. Going to be a good WOD today.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 63 & 64 : "The Nemesis" and "Max Reps"

Day 63 :

This was a tough one ...

"The Nemesis"

As Many Rounds as Possible in 20mins :

- Handstand Pushups (on 24" box) x 15
- 400m Row

I was still recovering from being sick but I hit 6 completed rounds. I was aiming for 5 ... so I was happy.

Day 64 :

I really enjoy deadlifting so I was happy when I saw this one. I even sported some new bright red Under Armor kneehigh socks and my Vivo Barefoot Aquas. (The socks are to protect the shins because you end up cutting and scaring pretty bad.)

The warmup was KILLER!

3 Rounds of:

- 400m Row
- 10x Kettlebell Swings (45#)
- 10x Sumo Deadlift High Pull (45# KB)
- 10x Burpees

That was a workout in it's own right ... but here was the actual WOD:

5 Rounds (2mins Rest):
- Max reps of 155# Deadlift


5 Rounds (1min Rest)
- Max Ring Rows

Here are my numbers:

Deadlift : 15 - 16 - 17 - 14 - 15 = 77
Ring Rows: 15 - 15 - 15 - 15 - 15 = 75

I'm pretty happy with that ... going to have to convert to pullups with the blackband soon.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Weight Loss Update

So ... my next milestone has been reached. I've officially lost 50lbs. 51 to be exact. It feels good to pass that barrier. I've got another 35 to go to reach my 1st goal weight. Eventually I want to be down to 200lbs ... but in baby steps.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sick and Family Time

I was sick and I had to take some time off to help the Girls off to NY. I will be hitting the gym hard these next few days starting tomorrow. I'm on 3 hours of sleep right now and have to work late. Hopefully it's a good WOD.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 62 : The Planter Box

This was a tough one ... as many rounds as possible in 20mins:

- 10 Ring Rows
- 10 Weighted Step Ups (25# Bumper Plate)
- 10 Burpees

I completed 6 full rounds + 10 Ring Rows.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 61 : Holy "AMRAP Combo" Batman

AMRAP = As Many Rounds As Possible ...

Today was tough!

The warmup was tough ...

400m Row

2 Rounds:
- 10 Hip Mobility Drills
- 10 Pushups
- 10 OHS (PVC)

400m Row

Then we did a 3 - 3 - 3 Shoulder Press which I was a bit disappointed with:

125 - 130 (1 rep then Fail) - 125

Then we did the WOD ...

AMRAP in 15 min:
- 5 Kettlebell Swings 1.5 pood (55#)
- 10 Step Ups (20")

I completed 11 rounds + 5 KB Swings.

Overall a very good night ... gonna be tired tonight. This is day 3 of my 6 day CF Marathon.

Before and After Face Comparison

Here's a look @ my face change ... it's not much but I think you can really see a difference. Things just look less sloppy. lol.

The first pic was about 2 months BEFORE I actually started doing CrossFit. I think I probably gained another 5 - 8lbs after that pic.

Day 60 : Cardio

Today was strictly a cardio workout which I love. I really enjoy the row machines as that's all I can do because of my crappy feet.

Here was the workout:

5 Rounds for time ...
- 400m Row
- 15 Step Ups (20")

I did it in 15:33 which was pretty good I felt. I pushed through and didn't stop.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 59 : SoCal Sections WOD 2

So today we did the second WOD from day 1 of the SoCal Sectionals. This was an awesome one! Close to one of the toughest I've done:

This WOD actually consists of two short workouts. You will start the second workout exactly 20 minutes after you start the first one, so your rest is determined by the time it takes you to finish the first workout. Each wod has a 15 minute time limit. Your score for this event is the combined times of both workouts.

Part 1:
4 Rounds for time of:
9 Squat Cleans (65#)
6 Handstand Push-ups

Part 2:
For time:
30 Hang Squat Snatches (5#)
30 Ring Rows
750m Row

Part 1: 6:40ish
Part 2: 11:30ish

It was a great overall workout ... the last 750m row SUCKED! Can't wait for today!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Weight Update!

Yeah, so I am officially no longer in the 300lb club. 298lb as of this morning. What, what!

Day 58 : Snatch Builder

This one was HORRIBLE!

Seven rounds for time of:

7 Power Snatch 65#
7 Snatch Balance
7 Overhead Squat

I did it in about 24:30. This one wrecked me mentally more then physically. I really didn't think I would be able to finish it, but I did!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 56 & 57 : Skill Work & Good WOD!

Day 56:

Was a tad disappointed as I was expecting a mindblowing Team Overload WOD. But it didn't happen.

We did just a warmup and squat skill work.

Day 57:

This was a fun WOD! Here's what we did:

Five rounds for reps of:

1 min Wall ball shots (20/14#)
1 min Ring Rows
Row 400m
Rest Exactly 2 minutes after your row is completed.

I did about 35 reps total each round. Don't remember the numbers. I am very tired tonight. Doing a cheat night. Good night.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 55 : Back Squat

This was a good night ... did the following:

3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3

205 - 225 - 245 - 255 - 265

265 was a PR for me!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Review: WiThings Scale

I ordered and received my WiThings "Internet Connected Body Scale" because I thought it would really help me with accountability and it has. But what I really love is being able to see all my data. It's neat to be able to track my weight, fat mass and lean muscle mass. Also, it's cool to be able to see trends in my weight loss. I really think it's helped me to be able to meet my goals.

I would recommend this to anyone that wants to take the next step in their weight and health management.

Zoned Oat Blueberry Muffins

Marcy made me a recipe of "Oat Blueberry Muffins" and they are delicious! They were in the "Zone Meals in Seconds" book. Just grabbed 6 mini-muffins (we split it from 12 to 24) and that's it for a full zoned breakfast. Fast and easy.

Day 54 : Ocho Row Row

When I saw this one I was REALLY looking forward to it. I don't run because of the issues I have with my feet. So any warmup we do the calls for running I just do the equivalent on the rowers.

Here's the WOD:

8 Rounds for time of:

250m Row (Rest time is the length of your row)

Here's my breakdown of each round:

47, 49, 45, 49, 56, 56, 55, 52

45 seconds was a tie for the best time of the night. But I'm sure I was the fastest 300lbs there was! :-)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Meal Timing in The Zone

One of the most important aspects of eating successfully in "The Zone" is meal timing.

You want to make sure you keep your Glycemic Index under control ... because when you let your GI get too low that is when you start to get hunger pains / carb cravings and that is when you are more willing to cheat.

Each meal you eat should keep you sustained for at least 4 hours and snacks should last you 2 hours. If you are hungry before that you need to make some adjustments to what you are eating.

I've been doing a 4 block Zone Diet that I am no going down to a 3 block Zone Diet.

Here is my approximate eating schedule and menu:
- 5:45AM Breakfast
-- 3/4 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil [3F]
-- 1/2 Cup of Egg Substitue [2P] w/ Spinach [1C]
-- 3 Pieces of Turkey Bacom [1P]
-- 1 Orange [2C]
- 10:15AM Lunch
-- 1/2 Head of Lettuce [1C]
-- 1 Cup of Celery / Carrots [1C]
-- 4oz of Deli Turkey Meat [2.5P]
-- 1oz Low-fat Cheese [1P]
-- 2 tablespoons of Salad Dressing [3F]
-- 3 Dried Apricots [1C]
- 2:00PM Snack
-- 3oz Deli Meat [2P]
-- 6 Olives [2F]
-- 6 Dried Apricots [2C]
- 5:00PM Dinner
-- Zoned 3 Block Meal
- 9:30PM Snack
-- 3oz Deli Meat [2P]
-- 6 Almonds [2F]
-- 1 Orange / Apple [2C]

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 53 : Doc's Re-enlistment

Doc is one sadistic man. In honor of his re-enlistment ... this is what he had us do:

400 M Row

then 16, 12, 8, 4 of:
Deadlift - 225#
Thrusters - 65$
Ring Rows

400 M Row

Did this in 29:11 ... and it was awful. Not the worst ... but awful. I wanted to do it in 35:00 ... so I'm happy.